Outside those hotkeys officially allowed at GGPoker, where can I read the rules governing these shortcuts?

The following is available from GGPoker’s website HOUSE RULES:

18.3. A third-party tool is permitted if it

  1. assists only in the tiling/aligning of tables.
  2. assists in creating macros and hotkey for gameplay efficiency that does not reduce the requirement of a user having to make a decision. The user must decide what action to take and the exact relative size of any bet or raise, with the macro or hotkey merely executing it. For example, a hotkey that bets half the pot is permitted. A hotkey that bets a randomized amount between half and three-quarters of the pot is prohibited.
  3. is deemed inoperable in conjunction with the client, despite exhibiting characteristics of prohibited third-party tools.

18.4. Actions taken for minor breaches: WARNING, SUSPENSION 

18.5. Actions taken for major/repeat breaches: PERMANENT BAN


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